jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012


 Currency: Dirham

Capital: Rabat

Largest city:  Casablanca

Language:  Official language Arabic although English is widely spoken. French is consider a business language used in central and southern Morocco. Spanish is also spoken in the north.

Religion:  Islam is the main religion in Morocco, almost the entire population is Sunni Muslim. About 1 percent of the population is Christian, and less than 0.2 percent is Jewish.

Population:  34,028,587
Henna Technique

It is use in India and Africa. Henna is one of the safest methods to paint your body. It is available in powdered form which you mix with water and oil.


It is influence by Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Senegal, Turkey and the Berbers. Morocco imports very little food

They start the day eating Moroccan pita bread and orange juice.


The appetizer is a salad and vegetables. A typical untraced could be Couscous. The dessert is a Bastilla or a galleze’s horn. Basilla is made of layers of pastry with toasted almonds, cinnamon and cream.


Most of the people eat at home. Their traditional food is Harira, a soup made out of tomatoes.

Morocco’s music
Andalucía is in Spain and Moroco has Andalician legacy. The Arab countries conquered Spain for a long time, and Moroccan people liked their music so when Spain regain their land the Moroccan people took the Andalician music to Morocco.

The best Moroccan music comes from Andalucian legacy, it reflects Spanish influence. There are many types of Moroccan music such as Arab, Berber, classical, and popular elements. Musicians perform in concerts, cafes, private homes, ceremonies, marriages, funerals, and religious processions. When Moroccans celebrate they usually have music, dancing and storytelling. There is also another genre of music the Gnawa which come from West Africa.

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