miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Zimbabwe Flag 8th grade


Zimbabwe was formerly known as Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe Rhodesia. The name is based on a Shona name for a ruined ancient settlement whose remains are now a protected site which is named Great Zimbabwe. The country is mostly savanna, it has a great variety of plants, it has around 350 different species of mammals and more than 500 species of birds.

Zimbabwe is divided in 10 provinces each one with its own capital,the provinces are subdivided into 5 districts and 1,200 wards. Robert Mugabe is Zimbabwe's current president which was elected in 2008. Mineral exports, agriculture, and tourism are the main currency earners in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe owns the world's largest platinum reserve. Shona, Ndebele, and English are the main languages, despite being a main language only 2.5% of the population speaks English.

Andres Romero

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