miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Nigeria 10 grade B

Nigeria 10th B

Facts and History 
Marco Bruni Carlos Moreno
Nigeria is located in West Africa, it is bordered on the west by Benin, on the north by Niger and Chad and on the east by Cameroon. Its area covers about twice the size of California. Nigeria shaped by multiple ethnic groups and has over 50 languages and over 250 dialects. Most of these ethnic groups are located around the middle belt and north. The three major ethnics groups are the Hausa Fulani, which tend to be Muslim, the Igbo whom are predominantly Christian and the Yoruba practice both, Islam and Christianity .

The colony of Nigeria was founded by the British Empire in the 1800's. The international slave trade with the united states was banned during its foundation. Great Britain also founded the West African Squadron to prevent ships fleeding with slaves. In 1901 Nigeria became a part of the British Protectorate. It became an ally to the world's strongest power. The Anglo Aron War 1901-1902 opened a new area for Nigeria. Nigeria is divided into northern and southern provinces, and the Lagos colony. The northern province had a better education and culture, adopting the western culture. After World War II the independence spirit swept through Africa. The British conceided the Nigerian colony the title of a self governing area. In 1960 Nigeria became an independent country.

Nigeria's Facts

Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa. Nigeria is home to more than 250 ethnic groups. Africa is known for its abundant wildlife, oil, music and literature.
Official name: Federal Republic of Nigeria
Size: 38,356,669 square miles, about twice the size of California
Population: 155,215,573
Capital: Abuja
Official Language: English.
Currency: Naira
Religion: 50% Muslim, 40% Christian: mostly Roman Catholic, 10% animist
Literacy: 68% of people age 15 and over can read and write.
Climate: Mostly tropical.
Agricultural Products: Beans, cashews, cocoa, melon, palm oil, peanuts, rice
Major Industries: Textiles, wood products, soap and oil. Nigeria is the world's 10th-largest oil producer.
Foods: Spicy pepper soup, made with onions, hot chili peppers and meat or fish

By: Tracey Salmeron, Rafael Milla and Maria Luisa Canas

Eduardo Granados and Clara Vilches

Nigeria is located in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea between Benin and Cameroon.Nigeria has an area of 923,768 square kilometers, including about 13,000 square kilometers of water. Nigeria and Cameroon have held bilateral meetings to resolve disputes concerning the two countries’ shared land and maritime boundary. Nigeria has not fulfilled its pledge to cede the Bakasi Peninsula, which juts into the Gulf of Guinea, to Cameroon, despite the International Court of Justice’s ruling in favor of Cameroon
Nigerian languages can be broadly categorized into Niger-Congo languages and Afroasiatic languages. There are 521 languages spoken in Nigeria. Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Kanuri, Fulfulde, and Ibibio are the major languages in Nigeria.
Nigerian Naira

1 Nigerian naira = 0.00629 U.S. dollars

Nigeria is a Federal Republic modelled after the United States, with executive power exercised by the president and with overtones of the Westminster System model in the composition and management of the upper and lower houses of the bicameral legislature. The current president of Nigeria is Goodluck Jonathan, who succeeded Umaru Musa Yar'Adua to the office in 2010. The president presides as both Head of State and head of the national executive and is elected by popular vote to a maximum of two four-year terms.


The variety of customs, languages, and traditions among Nigeria's 250 ethnic groups gives the country a rich diversity. The dominant ethnic group in the northern two-thirds of the country is the Hausa-Fulani, most of whom are Muslim. Other major ethnic groups of the north are the Nupe, Tiv, and Kanuri. The Yoruba people are predominant in the southwest.

About half of the Yorubas are Christian and half Muslim. The predominantly Catholic Igbo are the largest ethnic group in the southeast, with the Efik, Ibibio, and Ijaw comprising a substantial segment of the population in that area. Persons of different language backgrounds most commonly communicate in English, although knowledge of two or more Nigerian languages is widespread. Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Fulani, and Kanuri are the most widely used Nigerian languages.
Nigeria is a middle income, mixed economy and emerging market, with expanding financial, service,. It is ranked 30th in the world in terms of GDP (PPP) as of 2011, and its emergent, though currently underperforming manufacturing sector is the third-largest on the continent, producing a large proportion of goods and services for the West African region.

David Villatoro and Adriana Quesada

Nigeria is a federal constitutional republic composed by 36 states which capital is Abuja. NIgeria is located in West Africa sharing borders with benin, chad and Cameroon.This country has a very marked by religion, it is splited half muslims and the oher half Christians. A minotiry practices other kind of traditional religions. People of this country have an extensive history, Thanks to archeological findings which shows that human habitation of the area satees back 9000BC. The name nigeria comes from he niger river that runs through the country. Nigeria is the most populous coutry in africa in which the majority is black. Thanks to its oil reserves  it have brought revenues, due to this is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations.
In the Culture of Nigeria gives a lot of importance to different types of art. Most commons types of art are ivory carving, grass weaving, wood carving, leather and calabash, pottery, painting, cloth weaving and metal works too. In Nigeria, there's more than 250 languages spoken but the official language is English. However every tribe has its own kind of language to communicate among themselves. People in different parts of the country, have different kind of clothes, the only characteristic they keep in every tribe is that the clothe is very conservative. Something important in nigerian culture is treat well the guests, that's why you're not supposed to say thank you.

Ruth Flores

The culture of Nigeria is shaped by Nigeria multiple ethnic groups. The country has over 50 languages and over 250 dialects and ethnic groups. The three largest ethnic groups are the Hausa-Fulani who are predominant in the north, the lgbo who are predominant in the south-east, and the Yoruba who are predominant in the southwest.

All religions represented in Nigeria were practiced in every major city in 1990. However, Islam dominated the north and had a number of supporters in the South Western, Yoruba part of the country. Protestantism and local syncretic Christianity are also in evidence in Yoruba areas, while Catholicism dominates the LGBO and closely related areas. Both Protestantism and Catholicism dominated in the Ibiobio, Annag, and the Efik kiosa lands. The 1963 census indicated that 47 percent of Nigerians were Muslim, 35 percent Christian, and 18 percent members of local indigenous congregations.

The most populous country in Africa, Nigeria accounts for approximately one-sixth of Africa's people. Approximately 50% of Nigerians are urban dwellers. At least 24 cities have populations of more than 100,000. The variety of customs, languages, and traditions among Nigeria's 389 ethnic groups gives the country a cultural diversity.

Nigeria is a country in East Africa. Nigeria shares land borders with the Republic of Benin in the west, Chad and Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north. Its coast lies on the Gulf of guinea in the south and it borders Lake Chad to the northeast. Noted geographical features in Nigeria include the Adamwa highlands Mambilla Plateau, ,Jos Plateau, the Niger River, River Benu and Niger Delta.

Enrique Nieto and Ilse Mendoza

Nigeria is an African country located at the East part of Africa. Nigeria is full of plateau and plains. This geographical features have limited the habitants with their communication far as its history goes on. The country is domain by the tropical weather, and its people is used to hot and humid days. The etnical heritage in Nigeria brings the country a unique identity in between the eastern African countries. Nigeria people is full of tradition and culture and it is a nice place to visit.
Nigeria is divided into state and local government areas where local governments are at work. However, all the states as well as local government areas are ultimately answerable to the central Nigeria government which is a federal republic form of government. The constitution of Nigeria says that Nigeria and it's state should remain a democratic nation.
Being president comes with being the Head of State and the Head of the National Executive, positions elected by voters for 4-year terms, maximum.
Some things that have influenced strongly in Nigerian politics are ethnocentrism, tribalism, religious persecution, and prebendalism. These problems have been present before and after the independence of Nigeria in 1960. The major political parties include the ruling People's Democratic Party of Nigeria All Nigeria People's Party, and there are about twenty other minor opposition parties registered. Because of the issues previously mentioned, Nigeria's current political parties are irreligious and based on a ‘’cluster’’ of cultures and ethnic groups.

The 4 systems of law in Nigeria are:

by: Ale Aldina, Jime Garcia and Nicole Terc.

 Nigerian Music
Nigerian music includes a lot of folk that is related with its ethnic groups. Nigeria  is also called the "heart of African music". Nigerian musician gave life to new styles in the US, like hip hop. Nigeria's musical output has achieved international acclaim .
 Nigerian Food

Nigerian cuisine, like West African cuisine in general, is known for its richness and variety. Many different spices, herbs and flavourings are used in conjunction with palm oil or groundnut oil to create deeply flavoured sauces and soups often made very hot with chili peppers.

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