miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Tenth Grade/ Ethiopian Flag
Ethiopia Geography and Climate (Jose Ortiz and Abraham Mena)

It is located in the horn of Africa bordering Somalia, the Sudan, Djibouti, Kenya, and Eritrea with a 5,311 km border. It is the tenth largest country in Africa and the  3rd populous country in the continent. Its lowest part is 100 mts below sea level. The highest part is 4620 mts above sea level, which is known as Ras Dashen. It's proximity to the Middle East and Europe, besides it's easy access towards major ports of the region, help to enhance it's international trade. 

It's climate consists of a mainly pleasent climate with moderate temperatures. The normal temperature rarely exceeds the 20oC (68oF). The lowlands have a tropical and sub-tropical climate. The annual average rainfall is of 850mm which is considered as a normal measurement by global standards. In the high lands, rainfall varies from what is known as the "small rains" during February and March and the "big rains" from June to September.
Ethiopia is an African country located in Eastern Africa. It borders Somalia, Sudan, Djibouti,Kenya and Eritrea. Its capital is Addis Ababa. The total area is around 1,127,127 square kilometers; it is slightly smaller than twice Texas.
The country has no coastline, hence it is said to be landlocked. It has few natural resources of gold, platinum, copper, potash and natural gas. Its land is divided in 10.71% arable land but only 0.75% of it is permanent crops. It has currently 1,900 sq km of irrigated land.
The country faces many natural hazards. It is exposed to volcanic eruptions and frequent drought; also deforestation has started damaging the countries landscape, bringing with it desertification and soil erosion.

Ethiopia: Tourist Spots 
(Alejandra Eva, Karla Guzman)

  • The Nile river is over 800km in length within Ethiopia and the longest

river in the world. The Blue Nile Falls, locally known as Tisisat, are
about 400m wide and 45m deep. Because of the building of damns  near
Bahar Dar, they aren't as spectacular as they used to be. These falls
present even more beautiful landscape when a storm is taking place
because they create impressive and amazing rainbows.

  • Sof Omar is a small Muslim village in Bale. This place is

characterized by an amazing complex of natural caves, which are cut by
the Wab river. Visitors make their way underground with the help of
lit torches and a map. Besides the Wab river, tourists are able to
witness arched portals, high eroded ceilings and deep echoing

  • Axum is the most ancient city and the capital of the historical

Axumite state. Here you can find numerous monolithic stone stelae or
obelisks. The larges obelisk is 35m long and weights 35 tons. It is so
amazing because it is the biggest piece of stone ever cut by anyone in
the world, although today it lies broken on the ground. Axum was once
a great commercial center with its own currency and trading with
regions like Egypt and Persia.

  • Gonder was the 17th Century capital of Ethiopia and it stands out

because of its medieval castles built between 1632 and 1855. The
castles are described as dramatic and unlike any other African because
they reveal the Axumite traditions as well as the influences of

  • Harar is another ancient holy city that has its own attractions.

Besides its handicrafts that include woven textiles and silverware,
they have a astonishing city walls, the Rimbaud House and the Hyena
Hyena Men: as evening falls, local men attract wild hyenas with a
unique spectacle and then they feed this wild creatures.

Religion  -  Diego Giamattei and Andres Rivera
Ethiopia is really varied in the religious aspect, the religions practice in Ethiopia are: Christians, Catholics, Orthodox, Jewish, Hindu, Animism and protestants. The 3 Abrahamic religions are practice in Ethiopia which are Christianity, Catholicism and Judaism. In Ethiopia they also practice animism which is a religion that is almost extinct, which consists in believing that trees, water and all nature forms posses spiritual energy. Its main religion is Christianity. And although Ethiopia is really religiously varied there are no conflicts in believes.  

Ethiopian traditions/ Cristina Giammattei and Ana Lucia Martinez‏

  • Location: Eastern Africa, west of Somalia
  • Capital: Addis Ababa 


     Usually in Ethiopia the traditional costume is made up of woven cotton. Men wear a traditional costume called the "Gabbi or Netella" while women wear dresses known as "Kemis". although other ethnic groups usually wear traditional dresses that reflect their own traditions. they use other type of fabric such as leather, however others don not wear clothes at all.

Etiquette and Customs

  1. Meeting Etiquette: Their greetings are usually formal. When they handshake, they have to look direct into the eye. on the other hand, if a person has a close relationship with another person of the same sex they kiss three times on the cheek. It is also customary to bow when introduced to someone older
  1. Gift Giving Etiquette: Ethiopia is a very poor country as a result expensive gifts are not on the norm. It is not well seen to give expensive gifts, because is an attempt to gain influence or it may embarrass the person the gift is given to. also, gifts are given with two hands or the right hand only; never the left hand.      


  1. March 2/ Victory at Adwa Day: they commemorate the victory over the Italian army leaded by Oreste Baratieri.
  2. May 28/ Derg Downfall Day (National Day): they commemorated the end of the Derg in 1991.
  3. January 7/ Ethiopian Christmas.

1 comentario:

  1. Maria Jose and Paola Bruni
    Ethiopia's facts
    Ethiopia is an independent Federal Democratic Republic with a President as head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government.
    The capital, Addis ababa, means "New Flower", was settled in 1886 .The population of Addis Ababa is approximately 3 million.
    Cities and Towns
    The second largest city in Ethiopia is Dire Dawa. Gondar is the third largest town.
    Ethiopia's population estimated at approximately 70 million and is home to more than 80 ethnic groups. More than 80% of the population live in rural areas.
    The major religions are Christianity and Islam.
    Religions: Muslim 40%, Orthodox Christian 40%, Animist 15%, other 5%.
    Amharic is the official language of Ethiopia, although English, Italian, French and Arabic are also widely spoken. Indigenous languages are likely to be spoken . The most common of these are Oromo, Tigrinya and Somali.
    Currency and Money
    The local currency is the Ethiopian Birr, which is made up of 100 cents.
    Credit cards are NOT widely used in Ethiopia
